What are the essential oils?
Essential oils are extracted directly from the bark, flower, fruit, leaf, seed or root of a plant or tree. They are created through the process of distillation that separates the oil and water-based compounds of a plant by steaming. Furthermore essential oils are highly concentrated oils that have a strong aroma. These natural oils in plants protect the plant from insects, shield the plant from a harsh environment and help them adapt to their surroundings. By using essential oils, you are taking the advantage of the protective and health-promoting powers of a plant. Essential oils are truly the most potent form of plant-based medicine. Their power to heal and cure disease is so effective.
How dose the essential oil works?
Essential oils are compose of very small molecules that penetrate your cells, and some compounds in essential oils can even cross the blood-brain barrier. The molecules of essential oils interact with sensors in your nasal cavity, lungs, pores and more. Once engaged, these sensors emit signals to the rest of your body including limbic system which is the emotional switchboard of the brain that playing a powerful role in creating emotions and feelings.
How to benefit from the essential oils?
The essential oils are different from fatty oils (like those in vegetables or nuts) that come from large molecules. Therefore essential oils are more easily absorbs. Essential oils are transdermal which means they can actually pass through your skin and into your circulatory system and cells. Many essential oils are so powerful that when useing topically, they must be dilute with a carrier oil like olive, coconut or jojoba oil.
One of the best techniques is massage blends over the pulse points. When massage the blends directly on the skin, essential oils can deliver a host of healthful benefits.
Because of the incredible ability of essential oils to travel through the body and air, even diffusing essential oils can have great health benefits. Certain oils can provide you with mental clarity when you need it most, helping your subconscious mind to recall information. Inhaling essential oils may be one of the fastest ways to create physiological or psychological benefits.
Think about how powerful the scent of these oils are, Just one drop can have powerful health benefits.
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